Tuesday 24 October 2017

Yossi reading

My name is Yossy Katherine Carranza Guevara, I am sixteen years old and I am from San Luis de Lucma, in the province of Cutervo.

Reading for me is magic: when I read or take up a book I immerse myself in its words. There are words that make me laugh, or make me cry. Reading is my life because I love to read: it is incredible to jump into stories and hallucinate that I am the author.

Rural libraries helped me a lot because one of the main inspirers was the Coordinator of my area, bringing books. With my classmates we read and it was there where I discovered that I loved reading, it impassioned me. That is why reading is now my passion.

It pains me that many people do not place so much importance on reading; more prefer to go to the internet and all that, when they could, for example, read works. But they no longer read them, they buy the movies instead and watch them on TV.

There we have a great challenge.

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